Recent studies have confirmed that productivity is not linked to how long you sit at your office desk "focused", but rather how many times you get up and move/exercise.
The current trend world-wide is for employees to go to their offices or log onto their computers from their home offices and remain within their office space for long hours, taking only one to two breaks for lunch/snacks (in accordance with corporate policy).
End result = burn out + high turnover + low productivity + unhappiness
Rather than having 8 hours of consecutive work, I propose approximately 2 hour intervals for work and 20 minute breaks in between for exercise/naps:
With this proposal, employees should receive the benefits of short walks and optional naps, both of which tend to:
Increase alertness
Improve concentration and accuracy
Enhance memory and learning
Elevate mood
Boost creativity (often up to 60%)
Reduce stress
Improve physical and cognitive performance
The end result should be that employees will feel more free and less like captives in a cage, while boosting their productivity at work and their personal lifestyles.